Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Larger Rates Of Autism Children Face Today Is Puzzling

By Esmeralda Fout

The larger rates of autism kids face these days is puzzling to medical professionals and scientists. The rate of this condition has gone up substantially within the last few decades, and the cause in this increase has not been identified yet. There are lots of theories that have been spoken or discussed but there is no concrete proof to prove any of these possibilities. Vaccinations, environmental pollution, complications from being pregnant, exposure to certain compounds, and many other possible causes have been theorized.

The U . S . Government, many medical professionals, and the vaccine makers insist that vaccines which are provided to children are safe and do not cause autism. Several parents and a few medical professionals believe otherwise though, especially in cases where the child was developing normally till a vaccine was given and then autism symptoms were first noticed by the parent and medical doctor.

Polluting the environment has also been blamed for the higher rates of autism children experience these days. A few scientists think that exposure to polluting the environment or other harmful compounds causes the difficulties that are seen with autism. These compounds include mercury from eating fish, pesticides that have entered into the food chain, additives and preservative chemicals that are commonly added to foods, and other kinds of toxic compounds. The problem with this theory is that lots of children have been exposed to these compounds in the womb and were not autistic.

Medical imaging assessments do not normally reveal any brain damage or abnormal brain activity in autistic children. This has led a few experts to take into consideration that the problem may be with the neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for brain action. This is also only a theory though, and studies have not been carried out to determine whether this theory is right or just a false presumption.

There have been treatment breakthroughs that provide parents hope but there is still no cure in sight. It's possible that this condition will be unlocked by medical science sooner or later but until then therapy and treatment is important.

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The Autism Risk With Stress And Pregnancy

By Katrina Kaleesy

One consideration for thinking about the relation between stress and pregnancy is the matter of stress in pregnancy and autism. As we've emphasized elsewhere, stressing about stress is a counter-productive cycle that needs to be avoided. However, knowledge is valuable.

Expecting mothers - and their partners - need to know that there is increasing evidence that stress can be harmful to their unborn children, including increasing the possibility of autism. Before launching into the science, though, a couple qualifications are valuable.

The evidence thus far is derived from mice studies. Certainly mice-based research has provided valuable medical advances and scientific insights into human disease patterns and processes. It would be a major logical fallacy though to simply assume any evidence from mice studies automatically and immediately applies to humans. That is a separate question, which has to be evaluated on its intrinsic merits.

The always delicate question of relevant proportionality is a case in point. For example, the common enough practice of pumping mice with levels of a toxin which have no relation to disproportional usage commonly practiced by humans is indeed scientifically relevant and valuable. It is not, though, in any way a sound basis from which to predict effects from the more modest human use patterns. Such extrapolation would not be methodologically sound.

This is important to remember when we observe that the researchers characterize the stress imposed on the mice as mild. This term though reveals nothing precise about the stress level of the mice. Nor does it reveal whether such findings do (or don't) translate to human experience. The resulting knowledge gap should not be filled with baseless assumptions fueled by our worst fears.

Bearing in mind such qualifications, we can observe the significance of research findings to the effect that the placenta of pregnant mice transmits biochemical effects of stress to the fetus. The essential element involved appears to be an enzyme called OGT. The relevant research indicates that OGT is what's inhibited in the placenta of mice who are subjected to what researchers describe as mild stress.

As suggested above, it is here that we need to be cautious. This mouse stress was generated by means of exposing them to both unfamiliar noises and to the scent of foxes. It is though well known that scent reaction can be wired into the evolved neural structure through natural selection. How then is it valid to characterize exposure to existential threat of a natural predator as a mild stress?

In any event, despite this serious flaw in the presentation of the research findings, it does appear clear that at some level of stress, mice do experience significantly reduced OGT levels. These reductions trigger alternations of over 370 of the mice's brain genes.

These changed neurons are critical to neurological development, including regulation of energy use, protein development and nerve cell connections. It appears likely then that OGT helps protect the brain in pregnancy.

Some corroborating evidence is also provided by comparing the expected differential results for male and female fetuses. Male fetuses have a naturally lower OGT level. So, it would be expected, whatever the level of stress sufficient to trigger reduced OGT, the impact upon male fetuses would be expected to be greater than that for girls: the deprivation level would be triggered earlier in males and tend to have worse consequences. This conjecture seems to be confirmed by the higher autism and schizophrenia rates recorded for males.

As noted at the start, this kind of information is valuable for expecting mothers and their partners. It should though be empowering, not a source of increased stress. The basic rule remains that it is your job to take proactive measures reducing pregnancy stress. See our suggestions for solutions that work .

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About This Blog

Explained in this blog are just a few of the theories currently written about the causes of autism, but as previously stated, autism has no known cause. There is only knowledge of potential causes and patterns of occurrences that researchers have studied that point in the direction of these theories. There is still not a lot known about autism. The disorder itself is really complex. But it is important to be knowledgeable about worldly matters, especially common ones like this

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