Thursday, November 29, 2012

How To Find Toys For Autistic Kids

By Guy Salomone

There are lots of ways to discover toys for autistic children, and each strategy has advantages and probable drawbacks. There are various organizations for parents of autistic children, and many of these organizations have suggestions, lists, and advice on which toy types are good for youngsters with this problem are often offered. These pointers also often include a listing of toys that may not be a good choice for a child that has autism.

Another way is to search the online world for toy suppliers that specialize in special needs children. Many toy organizations have a type of toys created particularly for autism, and others carry a type of specialized toys that can meet many types of specialty demands. This method may cost more because the toys are made specifically for autistic kids. Many common childhood toys can be used or modified for cases where special requirements can be found.

Toys for autistic children can be found in any shop that specializes in toys. Toys R' Us actually has a guide that can assist parents of special needs kids including autism, and the guide can be very useful in the toy selection process. Some other manufacturers have also developed guides and selection strategies for this case. It is essential to remember the don't as well as the do's when searching for toys in this case.

Make certain that the toys selected for the child do not cause frustration, and that they are appropriate for the skill level of the kid. Toys should motivate interpersonal interaction and should not have any dangerous or toxic materials. Some online stores offer toys from some regions of the globe that may contain lead, mercury, or other toxic compounds. Be sure that all of the components are risk-free because many autistic kids have a tendency to place things in their mouth repeatedly.

Some toys may not be ideal because they can cause the kid to become over stimulated or frustrated. Other toys may be a inadequate choice because they are created for solitary play.

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Autism Symptoms Need To Be Detected Early In Life

By Carole Ashley

Autism is a brain disorder that begins in early childhood, usually within the first three years of life and persists throughout adulthood. What follows is a quick rundown of the different symptoms that may be seen in a person with autism:

learning difficulties i.e. he lacks in ability to learn inductively from surrounding events,communication or speech problems, difficulty relating to people, marked by a lack of awareness of the feelings of others, indifferent to parents Little to no social interaction. Lack of attention span. not exhibiting creative or imaginative play, Repetitive actions and manifestations, including but not limited to twirling or rocking toys or other objects. Extreme reactions to external stimuli.

Another primary characteristic of autistic children is their inability to see the world as another individual would, which is considered a behaviour innate to humans five years old and above and according to some studies, a few species of primates.

Autistic traits continue into adulthood, but vary in severity. That has not proven a hindrance to some, who have finished college and gone on to live independently or with their own family. Others never develop the skills of daily living, and may be incorrectly diagnosed with a variety of psychiatric illnesses.

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder with an unknown origin. It is a bioneurological disorder and not a mental illness, which affects the functioning of the brain. Some theories suggest that it may be caused by genetics, viral and/or chemical exposure during pregnancy. Diagnosis of autism can either be confirmed through standardized testing on the subject or a psychiatric checklist of different criteria.

It may come to an observer as a surprise, but many people who suffer from autism are exemplary in different mental manifestations such as advanced mathematics, classical music, painting and other art forms.

Though the bad news for children with autism is that we have yet to find a cure amid the rapidly changing spectrum of medicine and technology at large, the good news is that regimented therapy and schooling could actually help these children improve their social and physical skills to a point where they can properly socialize with elders and age-mates alike.

Asperger's syndrome is considered a mild functional form of Autism, as are developmental delay syndromes. These syndromes are categorized as conditions caused by issues with the brain circuitry.

A key indicator to physicians making a proper assessment for autism would include looking for symptoms found in 'sensory integration dysfunction', where children will exhibit problems such as oversensitivity or under-reactivity to touch, movement, sights, or sounds; physical clumsiness; poor body awareness; a tendency to be easily distracted; impulsive physical or verbal behavior; an activity level that is unusually high or low; not unwinding or calming oneself; difficulty learning new movements; difficulty in making transitions from one situation to another. Autistic people may experience difficulty in hearing certain people's voice while others' are louder than usual.

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About This Blog

Explained in this blog are just a few of the theories currently written about the causes of autism, but as previously stated, autism has no known cause. There is only knowledge of potential causes and patterns of occurrences that researchers have studied that point in the direction of these theories. There is still not a lot known about autism. The disorder itself is really complex. But it is important to be knowledgeable about worldly matters, especially common ones like this

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