Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some Of The Possible Causes Of Autism

By Leigh Stratbor

Autism is a developmental disorder of the brain. Those who have display poor or no communication and a lack of social interaction as well as repetitive behavior. This disease is thought to originate in the fetal or immediately after birth stages and thus the postulated causes all stem from events that may take place during those times.

It is important to state that no has put forward a proven theory for the possible causes of this disease. However, many scientists make educated guesses about the potential culprits. These include: genetic factors, toxins and some of the common vaccines that are used to help to prolong life.

While the theory of malfunctioning genes as a possible culprit is not proven, it is a good one that gives researchers a lot of insight. Chromosomal abnormalities, rare deletions and duplications and even rare defects are quite possibly where the scientist see the most connection to this disease. Some journal articles will mention hereditary but few give a clear mechanism of action of just how this disorder is originated.

Some scientists have blamed vaccines for the development of this mental disorder in children. They theorize that the vaccines, particularly the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine hurt more than they help. This is a very controversial theory that has lost steam in recent times due to the controversy surrounding those who put it forward and also due to the unnecessary exposure of children to diseases that could severe outbreaks.

Environmental and other types of toxins can play a significant role in the development of may neural disorders like this one. Teratogens, heavy metals, cigarette smoke, alcohol and even pesticides can cause extreme danger to the developing fetus especially if it is exposed during the early stages of pregnancy. As a general rule, pregnant women should consult their physicians about the possible avenues of exposure and avoid them.

Autism is an extremely complex disease that gives scientists little to no clues of its inner workings. The manifestations of the disease are obvious but not much else is clear. There is no true way to prevent it, if you do not know what causes it but try as best as possible to protect you and your child by limiting exposure to toxins and other potentially harmful agents.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Different Types Of Treatments For Autism

By Tiffany Larson

Autism interferes with the abilities, socialization and communication, of its sufferers. The developmental disability involves failure of the brain in multiple locations. Although effects vary with each case, there are many treatments for autism.

It is important to try to diagnose the condition early. This is especially true in cases involving young people. In children, if the disability is treated early, the individual still has an opportunity to develop. Most treatment is centered on restoring the complete function ability of an individual.

The behaviors and symptoms of sufferers vary in numerous ways, including their severity. Furthermore, symptoms are likely to change over a period of time. Because of this, treatment methods are tailored to each individual based on their personal needs and available resources.

Most children that have this condition show a good response to treatments that are both structured and specialized. Many programs offer help to parents and work towards fixing the communication, social, adaptive, behavioral and learning skills of affected children. Popular treatment methods: parent training, specialized therapy, behavioral training, community support and behavioral management.

Behavioral training and managements utilize social skill training, self-help, communication and positive reinforcement. Occupational, speech and physical therapies typically fall under the category of specialized therapy and are used to manage the condition. Medicine is another option and is most often used in cases where there is obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, hyperactivity, anxiety or behavioral problems. Individuals who are interested in parent training or community support groups should go through their doctor or speak with a local advocacy organization.

Auditory integration training and secretin have been considered alternative treatments for autism. Still, many new methods have not yet been tested on a large group of people and proven to be successful. Do thorough research on any form of treatment before trying it out. Overall, there are many strategies that are effective when tailored to each individual. To date, there is no known prevention for the disability.

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About This Blog

Explained in this blog are just a few of the theories currently written about the causes of autism, but as previously stated, autism has no known cause. There is only knowledge of potential causes and patterns of occurrences that researchers have studied that point in the direction of these theories. There is still not a lot known about autism. The disorder itself is really complex. But it is important to be knowledgeable about worldly matters, especially common ones like this

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